Sussex County 4-H Weekly Newsletter July 29 – August 5, 2022

The Sussex County 4H Weekly Newsletter will take a break for the next two weeks, Aug. 5 & Aug. 12.
It will return on August 19.

For Fair Week Information and Schedules check out the Prepare for Fair Guide.

Dates to remember:

Sunday, July 31, 3-5:00 pm Drop off projects
(Forestry & Conservation, Child Care, Home Furnishings, Arts &
Crafts, Art, Ceramics, Needlecraft, Photography, Construction, Hobbies &
Collections, Woodcraft, Canine & Feline Studies, and Clothing) at Shotwell Bld
All individual items are not Food, Flowers, Herbs, or Veggies.
Tuesday, August 2 & Wednesday, August 3, 3-8:00 pm
Club booth set up and Project Specific Drop off (Club Banner/Sign) at Shotwell Bldg. 3-8 pm
Friday, August 5, 10:00 am
Drop off Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers & Herbs at Shotwell Bldg.

Friday, August 5, 5:00 pm – FAIR OPENS!

Friday, August 5, 6:30 pm
Line up for Opening Ceremony Parade

For a full fair schedule go to: Schedule | New Jersey State Fair (

NJSF/SCF&HS Opening Parade and Ceremonies

4-H Clubs are invited to participate in the NJSF/SCF&HS Opening Day parade. The Parade will begin on Park Road in front of the Admin Building on Friday, 8/5.  The parade will start at 7:00. Groups should plan to be there by 6:30. Groups can walk or ride but are responsible for finding their own transportation.  We will travel down Park Road, turn onto Horticulture Highway, turn onto Main St, turn onto Commercial Road, and will end up in the Horse Show Ring.  Groups will be announced as they enter and move around the ring—plan on going around the ring 2 times.  At the conclusion of the parade, will have a few very quick comments, and then the Rooster Crow to welcome all to the Fair.

If interested in participating please sign up using the following link:

4-H Volunteer Opportunities at NJSF/SCF&HS

Reminder for those displaying in the Shotwell Building, if you are not participating/volunteering at the fair (by displaying an animal, working with Teen Council, etc) you must volunteer in one of the ways listed below or forfeit this year’s premiums and possible opportunity for a full-week fair pass next year.


Act as an Ambassador for 4-H in the Shotwell Building. Be available to share information and answer questions about 4-H. In addition, share knowledge about the items and exhibits displayed. Help sell 4-H 50/50s* and help maintain the cleanliness of the building. Shifts are 2 hours.
*You must be 18 years of age or bring along an adult to help
Sign up online at:  4-H Ambassador/Information table sign up

4-H 50/50 SALES

Assist the Sussex County 4-H Advisory Council in the Sale of 50/50 tickets. Proceeds from the sale support 4-H programming, as well as, 4-H fair ribbons.
*Must be 18 years of age or older
Contact Tanya Patrie ( or Dave Foord ( for tickets.


Help with food prep, serving, and other activities related to managing the Food Booth for the Agricultural Division of the Fair. Profits from the food booth are used to support animal project activities at the fair. This is a great opportunity to meet 4-H members from other clubs, as well as, gain work experience.  Shifts are 10am-2pm, 2pm-6pm, 6pm-10pm daily.
*You must be 13 years of age or older to volunteer behind the counter (liability concerns)
Contact Nadine Olsen by email at to volunteer for a shift.


Help with supervising the fun activities of Farm Fun in Barn 6.
For more information or to sign up contact Donna Meisinger at (862) 268-0805.


 Dress up as the lovable, 4-H mascot Clover, the 4-H Rover. Walk around the Fair, greet, shake hands, and pose with fairgoers young and old. Requirements are that you can safely wear the costume and that someone must assist and accompany Clover while roving.
Due to health and safety concerns, we will have a disinfecting spray available for cleaning between appearances.

If interested please contact  Tanya Patrie ( or Dave Foord (

A Day in the Life of 4-H at the Fair” Photo Contest

Show us, a day in your life at the fair!

Thousands of people visit agricultural fairs across NJ where they see 4-H’ers and their projects–and more come to the New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Farm and Horse Show than any other! But what they see of 4-H is just a small part of the 4-H experience at the county fair. Can you tell more of the story through a photo?

Using a digital camera or your phone, take a picture that tells what it’s like to be a 4-H’er at the fair. For those with animal, this could include fitting, caring for, or showing their animals. For others, it could include volunteering in the Ag Food Booth, with Farm Fun, or scooping ice cream in the 4-H Dairy Barn.

Once you’ve taken your photo, you can upload it through 4-HOnline.

Good Luck!

Prizes: Newton Tractor Supply will be donating gift cards to the winners of each division of the photo contest; $50 for first, $25 for second, and $15 for third.

Recognition: Photos will be featured on our website’s home page and Facebook page.

For more information or questions contact Dave Foord (

Call All Incoming 7-11 Grade Members
The 4-H Teen Council Invites you to join our Club.

Sussex County 4-H Teen Council membership has been open to Local teens for over 60 years. 

Members take part in:
– community service projects,
– leadership activities,
– earn job experience,
– participate in fun trips and events.

Sussex County 4-H’s criteria is that in order to be considered a “member in good standing”, participants must attend 70% of their club’s meetings/activities. In addition to attendance, all Teen Council members are required to work a number of shifts in the Dairy Barn during fair week, as it is the main fundraiser for the year.  Members must also do so in order to be eligible for officer positions and/or scholarships when they reach high school age. Most meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday or Friday of the month at the Fair Administration Office.

For more information or to sign up please reach out to Tanya Patrie (

4-H Photo Corps – July Challenge:
Moving Images

The NJ 4-H Photo Corps is open to youth in grades 4-13. You do not need to be enrolled in a 4-H Photography Project to join PhotoCorps.

July’s PhotoCorps theme is:

There are many ways to show motion in a still photograph. An intentional blur, or an athlete frozen by a flash can both convey a sense of motion. Show us a picture that moves us.

Please upload your photo by July 31.
You should receive comments from the juror mentors by the end of August.

If you have any questions, please contact

Reel Into Fishing: For Youth in Grades 5 to 10

The Reel Into Fishing program will be held from August 16-18. Open to all NJ youth.

Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) of Ocean County, along with the International Game Fish Association (IGFA), present, Reel Into Fishing!, a free program for youth in grades 5-10.
Registration is open through August 5th.
Click HERE to fill out the form.

This event is being funded by the IGFA.

4-H Walking Art 2022

Join Ocean County 4-H for the 3rd Annual Walking Art Competition! Using a GPS device, you are challenged to walk or geo-catch an image using an app of choice (recommendations include Map My Walk®, Strava®, or Geocaching®). This competition is for any NJ youth, 4-H member or not, and will run from June 24 to September 16. Entries will be featured during National 4-H Week in October.


Be the first to show pride in YOUR pet. 🐕🐈🐐🐎🐓🐖🐇🐄 Send an awesome pic of you and your pet and tell us what makes them special for a chance to win $100 of Manna Pro Homestead products or $1,000 donation to your county 4-H club. In addition, Manna Pro will also be donating $10 per photo submission to National 4-H Council with a guaranteed donation of $50,000.

Submit today:

*Contest open to current and past 4-H members everywhere!

Information and Programs For Our 4-H Parents and Leaders

Rutgers NJAES Calendar All Statewide Events

Upcoming Classes:

Friday, July 29, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: Watermelon Salsa

Wednesday, August 3, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Nutrition for Colorectal Health
Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Welcome Your Wellness
Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Sun Safety
Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 9:30 am – Diseases and Pests of Trees – in person (fee)
Wednesday, August 24, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Meal Planning to Save Money
Monday, August 29, 2022, 6:30 pm – Microplastics in our Waters: Sources and Fate
Tuesday, August 30, 2022, 9:00 amIntroduction to Pruning Techniques – in person (fee)
Wednesday, August 31, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: The 8 Components of Wellness

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